Bhavani Shankar

United Kingdom

Institution: University of Sheffield, UK

Workpackage: Food Systems


Focus of research:

An understanding of the determinants of poor linear growth, including the direct contribution of dietary intakes and biochemical nutrient status, and the indirect contributions of diets and breastfeeding practices on the microbiome and epigenetics.


He joined the Institute of Sustainable Food and the Department of Geography in April 2020. He has held appointments at the University of Reading and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. From 2011 to March 2020, Bhavani was Professor at SOAS University of London. From 2011 to 2015 Bhavani was Managing Editor of Food Policy – a multidisciplinary Elsevier journal. He is currently an academic editor for PLoS One, review editor for Frontiers in Sustainable Food and serves on the editorial advisory boards of Global Food Security and Food Policy.

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