Gregory Cooper
Institution: University of Sheffield, UK
Workpackage: Food Systems
Focus of research:Using system dynamics modelling techniques to analyse the linkages between food markets, food environments and child nutritional outcomes, in order to identify the impacts and trade-offs of market-based interventions to improve maternal and child diets and reduce child stunting.
Greg is a postdoctoral research associate based at the University of Sheffield’s Department of Geography and Institute for Sustainable Food. Prior to joining The University of Sheffield and the Action Against Stunting Hub in March 2021, Greg was at the School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS) as the lead researcher on the Market Intervention for Nutritional Improvement (MINI) project, funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (BMFG) and the UK’s Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO). Greg completed his PhD at the University of Southampton – modelling the social-ecological sustainability of the Chilika lagoon fishery system on the east coast of India. His main research interests revolve around the development of system dynamics models to understand the complex feedbacks underlying food systems, including those driving the production and consumption of fruits and vegetables in nutritionally vulnerable regions (e.g. South Asia), the resilience of these food and marketing systems to both short and long-term perturbations, and the potential food system interventions and policies that may overcome inequitable value chain trade-offs.