Nur Lailatuz Zahra
Institution: SEAMEO RECFON, Indonesia
Workpackage: Epigenetics, Nutrition, Food System, MEL
Focus of research:The linkage of dietary patterns, food environment, and epigenetics mechanism related to maternal and child under- and over-nutrition.
Zahra is a Research Assistant based at the SEAMEO RECFON, Indonesia. She has a BS in Nutrition from IPB University and an MSc in Community Nutrition from Universitas Indonesia. During her master’s degree, she studied the linear programming approach to develop specific food-based recommendations to prevent overnutrition problems. During her time at the Action Against Stunting Hub, Indonesia, she supports the Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning (MEL) and the Epigenetics, Food System, and Nutrition. She is interested in using longitudinal data, including bioinformatics analysis, to understand mothers’ and children’ ‘s under and over-nutrition problems.