Rita Anggorowati


Institution: SEAMEO RECFON, Indonesia

Workpackage: Education and Shared Values

Email: anggorowatirita@gmail.com

Focus of research:

Education and Shared Values component in Indonesia

3c705ace-a168-48fa-aeae-1c9703f67b57 - Rita Anggorowati

Rita Anggorowati is a an educator, school consultant and former school director from early years up to senior high school with more than 25 years of experience. Having an educational administration background both in academics and in practice, she is currently working as an Affiliate Researcher in the South East Asian Ministers of Education Organisation Regional Centre for Food and Nutrition (SEAMEO RECFON) as the Theme Lead of Education and Shared Values Workstream at Action Against Stunting Hub Indonesia. She is also taking part as the Child Protection Expert in Human Initiative (a humanitarian organization focused on the positive impact of community empowerment programs, child protection programs, as well as disaster management and emergency response in Indonesia and has representatives in 13 countries). She was a former Programme Specialist and Capacity Building Officer at the South East Asian Ministers of Education Organisation Regional Centre for Early Childhood Care Education and Parenting (SEAMEO CECCEP). Her research interest is in the field of educational administration, early childhood education, learning environment, leadership development and communication as well as neuro-linguistics programming. She will manage the education component of the project in the Indonesian context.

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